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Places added to Tashkent, Uzbekistan
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Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Abu Sahiy

The heartbeat of modern Uzbekistan’s thriving market culture.
Rome, Italy

Arch of Gallienus

This Roman arch marks the location of an ancient gate at one of the Seven Hills of Rome.
Rome, Italy

The Aventine Keyhole

Rome's semi-secret peephole vista is also a former Crusader stronghold.
Sofia, Bulgaria

National Palace of Culture

A vast Communist-era exhibition space in the Bulgarian capital.
Sofia, Bulgaria

Raketa Rakia

Eastern Bloc nostalgia, anybody?
Sofia, Bulgaria

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

A striking symbol of the Bulgarian capital.
Sofia, Bulgaria

Monument to the Soviet Army

A Bulgarian monument to Russia's role in World War II is constantly being painted in pop culture protest.
Shumen, Bulgaria

Bulgarian State Monument

This massive concrete sculpture is said to be the heaviest communist monument on Earth.
Ak-Su, Kyrgyzstan

Merzbacher Lake

Glacial lake that mysteriously empties itself every year.
Karakol, Kyrgyzstan

Dungan Mosque

Built entirely of interlocking pieces, construction of this Chinese Muslim house of worship required zero nails.
Semey, Kazakhstan

Vladimir Lenin Busts and Statue

A collection of Lenin busts and other Soviet Era statues sit idly behind the Semipalatinsk Hotel.
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Big Almaty Lake

A brilliant turquoise lake in the mountains.
Aralsk, Kazakhstan

Aral Sea

Rusting ships sit in a desert where a sea used to be.
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Seattle Peace Park

Touching displays of wishes for peace from the Cold War era.
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Central Asian Plov Center

Giant cauldrons overflow with Uzbekistan's favorite rice dish at this cavernous dining hall.
Nukus, Uzbekistan

Chilpik Tower of Silence

The ruins of an ancient Zoroastrian Tower of Silence believed to be the earliest example of the traditional funerary practice.
Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Shah-i-Zinda Necropolis

The Avenue of Mausolea is a series of grand palatial tombs.
Xiva, Uzbekistan

Walls of Itchan Kala

Ancient barriers wrap around what was once an important stop along the Silk Road.
Kokand, Uzbekistan

Khan's Palace

Final palace complex of the last of 29 Kokand rulers.
Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Kalyan Minaret

This "tower of death" has acted as an observatory, a religious hub, and an executioner's lair.
Kantubek, Uzbekistan

Vozrozhdeniye Island

Former island in the Aral Sea used to be a top-secret Russian bio-weapons facility.
Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Ulugh Beg Observatory

Light still pours into the ruins of this ancient Islamic observatory.
Muynak District, Uzbekistan


Once a bustling fishing port, this semi-ghost town is now more than 90 miles away from the shore.
Arco, Idaho

Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve

Home to the deepest rift anywhere on Earth.