d9rj78nd9d's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rome, Italy

The Sweating Cenotaph at the Archbasilica San Giovanni in Laterano

Stone memorial that's said to predict the death of the pope and the site of the Cadaver Synod.
Cerveteri, Italy

Necropolis of the Banditaccia

Largest necropolis in the Mediterranean.
Nemi, Italy

Nemi Ships

Caligula's colossal pleasure ships, discovered by Mussolini only to be lost in flames.
Montecelio, Italy

Capitoline Triad

This incredible second-century sculpture depicts a trio of gods worshipped by the ancient Romans.
Rocca di Papa, Italy

Via Sacra

This ancient trail climbs the mountain where a Latin League cult worshipped Jupiter, its main deity.
Rome, Italy

The Museum of Roman Ships at Fiumicino

Roman-era ships unearthed...
Rome, Italy

Secret Compartment in Leonardo da Vinci Statue

A secret hatch containing two parchments was discovered in this statue over 40 years after its installation.
Rome, Italy

Natural Monument of Galeria Antica

An Italian ghost town that fought obscurity, until a mysterious illness brought it to its knees.
Rome, Italy


Rome's ancient Etruscan rival, now a park full of ruins.
Rome, Italy

Tomba di Nerone (Tomb of Nero)

Known for centuries as the famous Roman emperor's burial place, this monument is actually something else.
Rome, Italy

Ponte Nomentano

One of Rome's most picturesque and original bridges was also a popular choice for Grand Tour artists.
Rome, Italy

Stadio dei Marmi

This Italian stadium makes liberal use of fascist statuary to evoke classical sporting arenas.
Rome, Italy

Sedia del Diavolo

According to local folklore, this Roman sepulcher was once a throne for the Devil.
Rome, Italy

Nymphaeum of Egeria

Roman politician Herodes Atticus built this nymphaeum to honor his wife, whom he may have murdered.
Rome, Italy

Via Appia

2300-year-old Roman road connecting the empire.
Vatican City

Vatican Necropolis

Hidden beneath the famous St. Peter's Basilica is a veritable city of the dead that may hold the remains of St. Peter himself.
Rome, Italy

Casina delle Civette

A fairy tale castle in modern Rome.
Rome, Italy

Monte Testaccio

This hill made entirely of ancient Roman jars was simply a garbage dump to the people of the time.
Rome, Italy

Museo Storico Nazionale Dell' Arte Sanitaria

One of the most important yet well-hidden museums dedicated to the history of medicine.
Rome, Italy

Pyramid of Cestius

The only "Egyptian" pyramid in Europe and the legendary tomb of Remus.
Rome, Italy

Temple of Minerva Medica

Believed to be the remains of the lost Temple of Minerva, this nymphaeum has been known by its misnomer to this day.
Rome, Italy

Museum of the Holy Souls in Purgatory

A collection of objects supposedly singed by the hands of souls in purgatory.
Rome, Italy

'Res Gestae Divi Augusti' ('The Deeds of the Divine Augustus')

A large replica of a monumental Roman inscription is located on the side of this museum.
Rome, Italy

'Il Babuino' ('The Baboon')

Romans decided this 16th-century "talking statue" was so ugly, they named it after a primate.