supremesolice01's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Shanghai, China

Peace Hotel Jazz Bar

This bar is home to what's likely the oldest living jazz band in the world.
Wuhan, China

Sword of Goujian

This ancient sword lay in a waterlogged tomb for 2,500 years, but managed to remain relatively untarnished and impressively sharp.
Kizilsu, China

Shipton's Arch (阿图什天门)

The world's largest natural arch was forgotten for over 50 years after its discovery.
Tulufan Shi, China


Natives of this mud-brick desert village use an ancient irrigation system to grow sweet, seedless grapes.
Jiayuguan, China

Jiayuguan Fortress

The western-most fortress on the Great Wall of China has gone from a strategic stronghold to a kitschy tourist carnival.
Hulun Buir, China

Matryoshka Square (Russian Taowa Square)

Hundreds of large Russian nesting dolls decorate this square, and the largest is a functioning hotel.
Chengdu, China


A KFC honors an eighth-century Chinese poet with holograms and verse.
Fuling, China

816 Underground Nuclear Plant

This top secret Chinese military megaproject is the world’s largest human-made tunnel structure.
Tulufan Diqu, China

Jiaohe Ruins

The ancient remains of this natural fortress can still be found along the Silk Road looking surprisingly preserved.
Yinchuan, China

West Xia Imperial Tombs

China's beehive-shaped pyramids house the remains of a lost kingdom.
Shanghai, China

Shanghai Natural History Museum

This ratty natural history collection is a charming relic among a city rushing into modernity.
Beijing, China

The Amazing Robots of Wu Yulu

A chinese farmer builds robots from scrap.
Shangrao, China

The Giant Buddha of Guifeng

China's mysterious record-setting sleeping Buddha.
Qujing, China

Canola Flower Fields

This quiet area of Yunnan Province annually transforms into an unbelievable sea of yellow flowers.
Enshi, China

Sidu River Bridge

This highest bridge in the world spans such a great chasm that it had to be established using rockets.
Chongqing, China

Dazu Rock Carvings

Comprised of thousands of cave temple carvings this cornucopia of ancient Chinese stone art is unrivaled anywhere in the world.
Guangzhou, China

The Qingping Market

A fantastic assortment of China's finest and most disturbing wares.
Hefei, China

Lovers in the Mist

Thousands of locks professing undying devotion line the metal chains of Lotus Peak.
Beijing, China

Mansudae Art Studio Gallery

North Korea's massive art and propaganda factory now has an official gallery space in Beijing.
Zhuhai Shi, China

Chime-Long Ocean Kingdom

This aquarium has almost as many world records as it does fish.
Pingtang County, China

The Eye of Heaven

The largest radio telescope in the world searches for extraterrestrial life from the remote limestone peaks of southern China.
Beijing, China

The Fox Tower at Dongbianmen

This historic Chinese tower was said to have been haunted by fox spirits but is now haunted by a grisly murder.
Pingdingshan Shi, China

Spring Temple Buddha

The largest statue in the world towers at 420 feet high atop another 66 feet of pedestal.
Shenzhen Shi, China

Window of the World

130 replicas of world wonders squeezed into just 118 acres of space.