supremesolice01's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Hong Kong

A Sky Full of Gods and Buddhas

Thousands of abandoned statues of deities are taken to this hillside in southern Hong Kong.
Hong Kong

Kowloon Walled City Park

Remnants of the most densely packed city in world history, that thrived on anarchy for 30 years.
Ngong Ping, Hong Kong

Tian Tan Buddha

Climb to the top of the world's largest seated bronze Buddha.
Hong Kong

Cheung Po Tsai Pirate Cave

Venture into the hideout of one of Hong Kong's legendary pirates.
Agano, Japan

Niigata Russian Village

A failed Russian themed village and amusement park in Niigata prefecture.
Kamakura, Japan

Thirty-Three Avatars of Kannon

In the former treasury of a popular temple, a rare sculptural depiction of Kannon’s diverse avatars.
Kamakura, Japan

Site of the Golden Dragon Spring

An unassuming set of tiles next to a mailbox mark the former location of one of the most famous springs in the city.
Kamakura, Japan

Seimei Stone

Associated with Japanese folklore's most eminent sorcerer, this slab of rock is said to be both a blessing and a curse.
Tokyo, Japan


This surreal thumbs-up monument commemorates a shiatsu legend.
Nagoya, Japan

Okehazama Battlefield

The location of the site of one of the defining battles of feudal Japan is being fought over by two neighboring cities.
Machida, Japan

Tengu Stelae of Naruse

Three rare “road guardian” stelae with reliefs of the Tengu can be found in the town of Naruse.
Kodaira, Japan

Tokyo Metropolitan Medicinal Botanical Garden

Home to a garden of poisonous plants and the only legal cannabis and opium farms in Tokyo.
Kamakura, Japan

Hall of the Ten Kings at Ennoji Temple

Feast your eyes on the centuries-old statues of the judges of hell.
Naha, Japan

Old Sogenji Temple Gate

All that remains of Okinawa's royal temple are a restored gateway and a tall banyan tree.
Yamanashi, Japan

Kanibōzu Claw Marks

A giant man-eating crab monster allegedly left its claw marks on this unassuming boulder.
Kamakura, Japan


A mysterious, perhaps haunted plot of land, untouched by modern development.
Moriya, Japan

Haunted Acala Stele of Moriya

For but one summer in 1975, this rural suburb became a busy tourist spot when a local girl claimed to have seen ghostly faces on an old stele.
Kamakura, Japan

Hao-Hao Tunnel

Over 80 years old, this hand-dug tunnel is a Chinese-style portal to another world.
Matsusaka, Japan

Gojōban Yashiki Samurai Residences

Descendants of the samurai who guarded Matsusaka Castle during the Edo period still live in these charming historic houses (and visitors can enter one of them for free).
Kamakura, Japan

Grave of Yasujirō Ozu

The legendary Japanese filmmaker’s tombstone is marked by a single letter meaning “nothing," and bottles of sake.
Yawata, Japan

Hikō Jinja—Shrine of Flight

Dedicated to humankind's achievements in aviation, this Shintō shrine is notable for its Greek-style architecture and collection of aircrafts.
Kamakura, Japan

Prince Morinaga's Dungeon

The alleged site of the months-long imprisonment of a Japanese prince.
Gifu, Japan

Royal Theater

Retro as can be, this cinema still uses film reels and screens revivals of Shōwa-era hits and classics.
Karuizawa, Japan

Uchimura Kanzo Memorial Stone Church

An unusual structure of stone and glass honoring one of Japan’s most eminent Christian leaders who founded the non-church movement.