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Nachikatsuura-chō, Japan


A temple made famous by Japanese Buddhist monks who sacrificed themselves at sea.
Kyoto, Japan

Remains of Rajōmon Gate

The site where the famous city gate once stood, now in the middle of a playground.
Kamakura, Japan

Harakiri Yagura

Access to this hidden site of a 14th-century mass suicide is prohibited, unless it is to pray for the dead.
Nikko, Japan

'Imaginary Elephants'

These sculptures were created by a 17th-century artist who had never seen an elephant.
Tokyo, Japan

Takagi Shrine

Rice balls symbolize fate and relationship at this adorable shrine, which was once dedicated to the Buddhist Devil.
Tokyo, Japan

Kameido Zeniza Monument

This often-overlooked monument was crafted in the shape of the iconic samurai coin to honor an Edo-period mint.
Yamanouchi, Japan

Yudanaka Onsen Pudding Honpo

This 24-hour vending machine serves up homemade treats inspired by the local Japanese snow monkeys.
Mito, Japan

Ogushi Kaizuka Park

A park built around the legend of a clam-loving giant who created a monumental midden.
Kyoto, Japan

Rokudō Chin’nōji Temple

It is believed that this Buddhist temple stands right on the gateway to the underworld.
Chichibu, Japan

Wado Ruins

The birthplace of Japanese coinage.
Tokyo, Japan

Stone Monuments of Hibiya Park

This park boasts a unusual collection of curious monuments from around the world, from Micronesia to Antarctica.
Kanonji, Japan

Zenigata Sunae

This massive, Edo Period, coin-shaped sand painting is believed to be a source of great luck.
Ashikaga, Japan

Ashikaga School

The oldest academic institution in Japan provides a glimpse of university life during the days of the samurai.
Utsunomiya, Japan

Nagaoka Hyakuana Burial Mound

This ancient burial cave along a roadside is also home to several Buddhist sculptures.
Sado, Japan

Aikawa Prison

A wooden prison doesn't sound like a good idea, yet this abandoned 1950s detention center still stands today.
Asuka-mura, Japan

Takamatsuzuka Tumulus

This frescoed ancient burial mound is a colorful window into China’s influence in early Japan.
Iwakuni, Japan

Iwakuni Shirohebi Shrine

A shrine dedicated to the sacred white snakes of Iwakuni, whose albinism has been passed down for generations.
Matsumoto, Japan

Nawate Dori

This small Japanese street is lined with figures, sculptures and a shrine dedicated to frogs.
Kyoto, Japan

Minatoya Yurei Kosodate-Ame Honpo

Legend has it that centuries ago, a ghost once frequented this candy shop to feed her still-living baby.
Toyoura, Japan

Koboro Station

Inaccessible by foot, Japan's most secluded train station sits in the middle of nowhere.
Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo Camii & Turkish Culture Center

Tatar Russian in origin, the largest mosque in Japan is now an Ottoman-style Turkish culture center.
Nikko, Japan

Three Wise Monkeys of Tōshōgū Shrine

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
Tokyo, Japan

Horoku Inari Shrine

Losing lottery tickets are deposited at this shrine in hopes of better luck.
Tokyo, Japan


This abandoned, spaceship-like building is home to a museum so unpopular that it has been put on hiatus for over two decades.