A secret club's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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A secret club's activity rankings
Places visited in Aarhus, Denmark
Places added to Aarhus, Denmark
Places edited in Leipzig, Germany
Places added to Denmark
Places edited in Denmark
Places edited in Aarhus, Denmark
Places added to Copenhagen, Denmark
Places edited in Hamburg, Germany
Places added to Hamburg, Germany
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Aarhus, Denmark

Your Rainbow Panorama

This colorful artistic feature atop a Danish art gallery allows visitors to stroll through a rainbow.
Ry, Denmark


Denmark's famous pseudo-hill.
Stockholm, Sweden

Nobels spränggropar (Nobel's Blasting Bunkers)

The remains of Alfred Nobel's first nitroglycerine factory can still be found on the shores of a Swedish bay.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Metro Art Gallery

Stockholm's decidedly unique public transit system has doubled as the world's longest art gallery for decades.
Thisted, Denmark

Thagaard's Plantation

A failed attempt to control drifting sands yielded a gnarled sylvan wonderland.
Berlin, Germany

Museum der Dinge

From toys to kettles to scientific instruments, this German museum celebrates the beauty of 20th century design.
Berlin, Germany

Arthouse Tacheles

An old department store turned Nazi prison turned artist commune.
Berlin, Germany


A whimsical and twisted animatronic monster tour beneath the streets of Berlin.
Berlin, Germany


The largest free-standing aquarium in the world resides in a hotel lobby in Berlin.
Helsinki, Finland

Pohjola Insurance Building

This insurance company building reminds customers that witches, bears, and gnomes are out there, best be insured.
London, England

The First Public Drinking Fountain

Public access to clean drinking water was an instant hit among the masses.
London, England

The Burlington Arcade Beadles

This luxury shopping lane has been protected by its own tiny police force for over a century.
Nuremberg, Germany

Nuremberg Castle

A castle from the Holy Roman Empire that hosts traveling youth... in its stables.