Allison Fitts's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in George Town, Cayman Islands
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Places visited in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Places visited in Cayman Islands
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Cañon City, Colorado

Royal Gorge Bridge

The highest bridge in America was built for an almost unnervingly small amount of money.
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Old Gold Camp Road Tunnels

The haunted reputation of these abandoned Colorado train tunnels is probably not helped by the terrifying spiked fence.
Cripple Creek, Colorado

Vindicator Valley Trail

This Colorado hiking trail provides a small gold mine of abandoned gold mines.
Topeka, Kansas

Equality House

A rainbow-colored house promotes LGBTQ rights across the street from the Westboro Baptist Church.
Lindsborg, Kansas

Coronado Heights Castle

Marking the spot where a conquistador gave up his search for the fabled Seven Cities of Gold.
Brookville, Kansas

Mushroom Rock State Park

Curious rock formations in a tiny Kansas state park.
Minneapolis, Kansas

Rock City

A landscape of massive spherical boulders are the main attraction in this Kansas State Park.
Stratton, Colorado

419.99 Mile Marker

When zealous marijuana enthusiasts kept stealing the "Mile 420" highway marker, the State of Colorado got creative.
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Hanging Lake

Crystal clear lake with a shoreline of travertine located in a Colorado canyon.
Buford, Wyoming

Buford, Wyoming: Population 0

One of the smallest towns in the United States.