Allison Fitts's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in George Town, Cayman Islands
Places added to Cayman Islands
Places edited in Cayman Islands
Places visited in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Places visited in Cayman Islands
Places added to Saudi Arabia
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Mexico City, Mexico

Mercado San Juan

CDMX's home for the world's culinary delights.
Mexico City, Mexico

Cafebrería El Péndulo

Part bookstore, part café, and part forest.
Mexico City, Mexico

The Sweets Section at Mercado de la Merced

Mexico City's largest market contains a Willy Wonka-esque wonderland.
Hegra, Saudi Arabia

Hegra Archaeological Site

More than 100 monumental tombs carved into rock are preserved at this ancient Nabataean site in the Arabian Desert.
Hegra, Saudi Arabia

Qasr al-Farid

An unfinished tomb carved into a giant boulder in the Arabian Desert.
Al Ula, Saudi Arabia

Al 'Ula

Within the Saudi Arabian desert lies a 2,000-year-old ghost town made of stone and mud.
Fallon, Nevada

Middlegate Station

This Old West eatery along America's Loneliest Road was originally a stop on the Pony Express.
Virginia City, Nevada

Red Dog Saloon

A Wild West saloon that helped define a generation of psychedelic rock.
Tonopah, Nevada

McFarthest Spot

The farthest you can be in the contiguous U.S. from a McDonald's location.
Alamo, Nevada

Little A'Le'Inn

An eatery for UFO seekers on the Extraterrestrial Highway.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas Strip Benchmarks

These markers are used to determine the ground stability of the Strip.
Los Alamos, New Mexico

Main Gate Park

This building is a recreation of the gatehouse that separated Los Alamos from the outside world during the era of the Manhattan Project.
Madison, Tennessee

Pinky Ring Pizza

Pickles belong on pizza and this freewheeling outpost proves it.
Newport Beach, California

The Frozen Banana Stands of Balboa Island

Try the frozen treat that inspired Arrested Development's famous banana stand.
San Francisco, California

Hang Ah Tea Room

The oldest dim sum restaurant in the United States is a nostalgic jewel.
San Vicente Pacaya, Guatemala

Pizza Pacaya

For this chef, an active volcano is his oven.
Magadan, Russia

Mask of Sorrow

This eerie sculpture overlooks what was known as the Road of Bones under Joseph Stalin.
Vernon, Vermont

Tiny Bread Box

Every Saturday morning, this microbakery fills up with freshly baked pastries and sourdough breads.
Scottsdale, Arizona

The Stand

An open-air, roadside eatery celebrating a historic indigenous cuisine of complicated significance.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Al Masmak Fortress

A 19th-century fortress and collection of artifacts offer a tour of Saudi history.
Santiago, Chile

La Picá de Clinton

How a lunch counter in Chile became a shrine to the 42nd president of the United States
São Paulo, Brazil

São Paulo Pedestrian Signal Lights

The pedestrian traffic signals in Brazil's teeming metropolis light up with clues to nearby landmarks.
Page, Arizona

Boiler Tube Slot Canyon

This unique art installation used boiler tubes from a decommissioned power plant to resemble Antelope Canyon.
Yazoo City, Mississippi

Yazoo City Main Street

A downtown filled with nearly deserted historic buildings was revived as a pastel paradise.