Andrea IX's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Petra District, Jordan
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Schnals, Italy

Campanile di Curon

Bell tower juts out from a village buried under a lake.
Bratislava, Slovakia

Most SNP

This Slovak bridge is known both for its connection to a national uprising and its UFO-shaped eatery.
Bratislava, Slovakia

Cumil the Sewer Worker

This Slovakian statue of an emerging sewer worker might just be a bronze peeping tom.
Venice, Italy

St. Mark's Clock Tower (Torre dell'Orologio)

Go inside to really appreciate this 500-year-old technological masterpiece.
Budapest, Hungary

Vajdahunyad Castle

This Hungarian castle was built out of cardboard and wood until it proved so popular that it got upgraded to stone.
Figueres, Spain

Dalí Theatre and Museum

Giant eggs, walls of bread, and nightmare surreality mark the largest collection of works by Salvador Dalí.
Paris, France

Lion of The Botanical Gardens

A majestic lion statue guards this Parisian botanical garden, and feeds on an unsettling item.
Naples, Italy

The Anatomical Machines of Cappella Sansevero

These "anatomical machines" are only one of the many strange items in this Italian crypt.
Chefchaouen, Morocco


Founded as a refugee camp, now a popular tourist spot.
Fez, Morocco

Merenid Tombs

Crumbling necropolis set high above Fez.
Fez, Morocco

University of Al-Karaouine

The oldest known university in the world is in Fez, Morocco.
Fez, Morocco

Chouara Leather Tannery

Traditional 11th-century outdoor tannery.
Essaouira, Morocco

Tide Pools of Essaouira

Vast stretch of tide-pools with a unique Moroccan charm.
Bucharest, Romania

Arcul de Triumf

Romania's triumphal arch looks out over Bucharest.
Madrid, Spain

Kilometre Zero

A stone slab in Madrid marks the point from which the distances of Spain's national roads are measured.
Madrid, Spain

Fountain of the Fallen Angel

Commonly acknowledged as the only public monument to the Devil himself.
Madrid, Spain

Palacio de Cristal

Madrid's romantically ornate crystal palace has been offering shelter to plants and art for over a century.
Madrid, Spain

Real Jardin Botanico

Over two centuries old and counting, Madrid's massive botanical garden contains one of Europe's only desert environments.
Bled, Slovenia

Bled Island and Castle

This one-time health resort was used by aristocrats around the world.
Ljubljana, Slovenia


This abandoned Slovenian military barracks has become a punky-political art squat.
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dragon Bridge

A whimsical bridge adorned with decorative dragons.
Predjama, Slovenia

Predjama Castle

Castle and secret tunnel withstood a siege until its owner was killed by the Holy Roman Empire, while sitting on the toilet.
Postojna, Slovenia

Postojna Caves

A miniature train-ride through Slovenia's largest cave system.
Vienna, Austria

Wiener Pestsäule (Vienna Plague Column)

Baroque celebration of the end of the Great Plague of Vienna.