danwelk323's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Detroit, Michigan

Ernie Harwell Park

This public baseball field is a beloved remainder from of one of the most historic stadiums in the country.
Portland, Oregon


The oldest restaurant in Portland serves fiery coffee cocktails and an astounding amount of turkey.
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Glenwood Hot Springs Pool

Take a dip in the world's largest mineral hot springs pool.
Quebradillas, Puerto Rico

Puerto Hermina Ruins

Legend has it this historic port was a popular hideout and smuggling spot for pirates.
Grand Junction, Colorado

Rattlesnake Canyon Arches

This remote Colorado canyon is home to the second-largest collection of natural arches in the world.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Frick Park Clay Courts

This historic Pittsburgh tennis complex is a rare example of natural red clay courts.
Paterson, New Jersey

Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park

In the power of this waterfall, Alexander Hamilton saw the potential for industry.
Pasadena, California

The Old YWCA Building

A landmark for a trailblazer for female architects and the designer of one of the most famous and opulent buildings in California.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

The Brattle Theatre

One of the last remaining movie theatres in the country that features a rear-projection system.
New York, New York

Marble Hill

Manhattan and the Bronx have been playing tug-of-war over this former island neighborhood for more than a century.
Saugatuck, Michigan

Saugatuck Chain Ferry

This is the last hand-cranked chain ferry of its kind in operation in the United States.
Brasstown, North Carolina

John C. Campbell Folk School

Founded in 1925, this folk school attracts students from across the country and preserves traditional Appalachian art.
Diomede, Alaska

Little Diomede Island

Alaska Natives have lived on this tiny isolated island in the Bering Strait for over 5,000 years.
Baraboo, Wisconsin

Flyways Waterfowl Museum

At this Wisconsin museum there are real ducks, fake ducks, duck calls and a Duck Blind.
Rockland, Maine

The Center for Science, Leadership & Marine Research

On Hurricane Island, a former ghost town has been transformed into a forward-thinking research center.
Tehachapi, California

Tehachapi Loop

Where a railroad loops under or over itself to rise or drop more than 70 feet in a short distance.
Pie Town, New Mexico

Pie Town

This popular pitstop lives up to its name.
Fort Wayne, Indiana

The Fun Farm

The Fun Farm weaves fairy tales, myths, and magic into a magnificent collection for visitors to explore.
McKenzie Bridge, Oregon

Sahalie Falls

Rushing water plunges over a 100-foot drop created by an ancient lava flow at this majestic waterfall.
Rochester, New York

The Playhouse Swillburger

A bar, burger joint, and arcade housed in a late 19th-century church building.
Maui County, Hawaii


This tiny Hawaiian island is slowly coming back to life after being bombed during naval training exercises.
Lititz, Pennsylvania

Julius Sturgis Pretzel Bakery

Don't get it twisted: This is the oldest pretzel bakery in the United States.
Norfolk, Virginia

McClure Field

America's second-oldest brick baseball stadium was home to a legendary WWII series that only sailors got to see.
Rochester, New York

Cary Graphic Arts Collection

Explore the evolution of printing technology, from cuneiform to Kindle.