Deirdreod's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sciacca, Italy

Il Castello Incantato

A madman's personal garden filled with 1,000 sculpted heads.
Vernazza, Italy

Cinque Terre

Five candy-colored villages on the Italian Riviera.
Padua, Italy

St. Anthony's Tongue

The incorrupt tongue of the patron saint of lost things is venerated in this basilica.
Vigevano, Italy

Cathedral of St. Ambrose

The Cathedral of St. Ambrose has been hiding a special parishioner within its walls.
Bagheria, Italy

Villa Palagonia

A collection of grotesques lines the walls of this Italian villa.
Turin, Italy

Medieval Village

A fake medieval village in the middle of Turin.
Bologna, Italy

Bologna Zoological Museum

This zoological museum began as the first great curiosity cabinet.

The Abandoned Village of Leri Cavour

A formerly opulent Italian village is now a crumbling ghost town that no one really knows what to do with.
Pozzuoli, Italy

Phlegraean Fields

A sulfuric hellscape in southern Italy.
Pavia, Italy

The Museums of the University of Pavia

A collection of collections, including an anatomy museum, the “Cabinet of Physics of Alessandro Volta, a museum of natural history, mineral collection, and much much more...
Florence, Italy

Ospedale degli Innocenti (Hospital of the Innocents)

Renaissance hospital featuring a rotating door into which unwanted babies were dropped.
Triora, Italy

The Town Of Witches

The location of the last witch trials of Italy, known as "The Salem of Europe."
Rome, Italy

Domus Aurea

The engineering wonder and pleasure dome of a much-maligned emperor still holds undiscovered secrets.
Bologna, Italy

Saint Catherine of Bologna

The mummified relic of St. Catherine sits forever on a golden throne.
Volterra, Italy

Ospedale Psichiatrico di Volterra

This real life asylum of horrors is now an abandoned ruin that hides the unbreakable code to one patient's insanity.
Atessa, Italy

The Dragon Rib of Atessa

A preserved dragon's rib that remembers the legend of the founding of the city of Atessa.
Syracuse, Italy

Ear of Dionysius

Italian cave with exceptional acoustics and an unsavory history.
Bologna, Italy

Bologna's Istituto di Anatomia Umana Normale

An amazing collection of wax anatomical models and terratological models.
Bologna, Italy

Museo di Palazzo Poggi Anatomy & Obstetrics Collection

An extraordinary collection of 18th century anatomical waxworks.
Genoa, Italy

Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno

A stunning cemetery famous for its extraordinarily delicate & lifelike mourning sculptures.
Monterosso al Mare, Italy

Il Gigante

The bomb-ravaged remains of of a colossal Neptune.
Foligno, Italy

Calamita Cosmica

The giant skeleton sculpture is surprisingly well-traveled.
Pompeii, Italy

The Brothels of Pompeii

Erotic art covers the walls of the largest ancient pleasure palace.
Siena, Italy

St. Catherine of Siena's Severed Head

A dismembered holy head stares out from her beautiful reliquary at the St. Dominic Basilica.