ElSilencio's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lido, Italy

Lazzaretto Vecchio

The oldest of Venice's plague quarantine stations, designed to keep the medieval city safe from disease.
Crespano del Grappa, Italy

Sacrario Militare del Monte Grappa

This military mausoleum captures the solemn grandeur that most memorials only aspire to.
Borgo Valsugana, Italy

Arte Sella

An open-air museum in a mountain valley features works designed to blend in with—and disintegrate back into—their natural surroundings.

The Alpine Wall

A line of abandoned, alien-like fortresses dot the mountains of North Italy.
Cesena, Italy

Biblioteca Malatestiana

A gorgeous medieval library where the books are kept in chains.
Venice, Italy

'Dragon Bones' of Santa Maria e San Donato

Hanging within this medieval church are the bones of a beast allegedly slain by a fourth-century saint.
Sciacca, Italy

Il Castello Incantato

A madman's personal garden filled with 1,000 sculpted heads.
Milan, Italy

Horned Madonna of Portinari Chapel

The odd depiction of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus is rooted in the Catholic Church's eradication of Catharism.
Venice, Italy

Scuola Grande di San Marco

The marble facade hides a little-known medical museum with early surgical instruments and rare copies of canonical texts.
Orvieto, Italy

Pozzo di San Patrizio

Water and windows define this defensive Italian well.
Rome, Italy

Museo Storico Nazionale Dell' Arte Sanitaria

One of the most important yet well-hidden museums dedicated to the history of medicine.
Rome, Italy

The Martyr Murals at Santo Stefano Rotondo

Charles Dickens was not a fan of the ghastly wall dressings in this 6th century church.
Florence, Italy

The Bull of Santa Maria del Fiore

This strange bovine gargoyle is said to have been put in as a passive aggressive form of revenge.
Bologna, Italy

Saint Catherine of Bologna

The mummified relic of St. Catherine sits forever on a golden throne.
Venice, Italy

Palazzo Dario

Those who own or stay at this 500-year-old, allegedly cursed house often meet terrible fates.
Bologna, Italy

Bologna's Istituto di Anatomia Umana Normale

An amazing collection of wax anatomical models and terratological models.
Rome, Italy

Santa Francesca Romana

St. Francesca Romana, patron saint of drivers, resides in the church she founded.
Padua, Italy

Palazzo del Bo Anatomical Theater

The world's oldest surviving anatomical theater, where "the dead are pleased to help the living."
Naples, Italy

Gaiola Island

This magical-looking island is notorious for the misfortunes suffered by its owners.
Borgo a Mozzano, Italy

Ponte della Maddalena

A stunning bridge that appears as if it's lunging to the shore, and has a legend of a devilish architect.
Pozzuoli, Italy

Phlegraean Fields

A sulfuric hellscape in southern Italy.
Rome, Italy

The Wax-Encased Remains of Blessed Anna Maria Taigi

The mystic whose incorrupt corpse still attracts the faithful.
Perca, Italy

Earth Pyramids of Platten

These delicate sand pyramids look like naturally occurring gothic spires.
Stromboli, Italy

Stromboli Island

A volcanic old faithful, Stromboli has been erupting continuously for the last 2000 years.