Exploring With Derek's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Canoa, Ecuador
Places visited in Saint-Bernard, France
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Imatra, Finland


These Finnish rapids have been attracting tourists for over a hundred years and are now released with the push of a button.
Iisalmi, Finland


The smallest restaurant in the world.
Enontekiö, Finland


This lake-bound geographical marker sits at the point where three European countries intersect.
Helsinki, Finland

Temppeliaukio Church

A subterranean house of worship carved right out of the bedrock.
Leninskiy rayon, Russia

The Kamera (The Chamber)

The laboratory where the Soviet secret police invented exotic poisons used to kill dissidents in hideous and (mostly) untraceable ways.
Yaropolets, Russia

The Church of Our Lady of Kazan

An unusual abandoned church damaged in World War II sits in a small village outside Moscow.
Moscow, Russia

Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy

This newly renovated Soviet-era outdoor exhibition center is bigger than the principality of Monaco.
Kalyazin, Russia

Kalyazin Bell Tower

Stalin's march toward a more modern USSR flooded a monastery, leaving a unique and extravagant nautical marker, "The Flooded Belfry."
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Museum of Sound

An unusual collection of self-made musical instruments and unique noises.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Nabokov's Butterflies

Specimens collected by the author of "Lolita" and self-taught lepidopterist are exhibited in his childhood home.
Moscow, Russia

Padlock Tree Park

Dozens of padlock-trees along the Moscow River.
Moscow, Russia

Melnikov House

The avant-garde design was able to bypass strict Soviet regulations on architecture.
Khangalassky District, Russia

Lena Stone Pillars

A remote forest of stone pillars along the Lena river.
Mirny, Russia

Mir Diamond Mine

The world's second-largest excavated hole.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Peacock Clock

A 250-year-old timepiece-automaton adorned with golden mechanical birds, which still sing to this day.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Kunstkamera (Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography)

The oldest museum in Russia is home to a fascinating collection of nearly two million anthropological artifacts and anatomical curiosities.
Yekaterinburg, Russia

Psychedelic Salt Mines

It's hard to believe the dizzying patterns covering this abandoned mine are completely natural.
Moscow, Russia

Lenin's Mausoleum

This building holds the embalmed remains of the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Moscow, Russia


Dr. Strangelove-esque tours reveal the inside a bunker once reserved for Stalin himself.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Ukrainian National Chernobyl Museum

This unassuming museum's slogan translates to “there is a limit of sadness, anxiety has no limits."
Rome, Italy

Via Appia

2300-year-old Roman road connecting the empire.
Rome, Italy

The Aventine Keyhole

Rome's semi-secret peephole vista is also a former Crusader stronghold.
Thessaloniki, Greece

Pasha Gardens

A little-known park with unusual, half-ruined structures and a mystical energy.

The Oracle of Delphi

The hallucinogenic center of the ancient world.