Exploring With Derek's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Canoa, Ecuador
Places visited in Saint-Bernard, France
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Adelaide, Australia

Grave of the Tamam Shud Man

Dedicated to an "Unknown Man," this grave holds either the remains of a lovelorn suicide or a Cold War spy.
Sydney, Australia

Badu Mangroves

A boardwalk winds through this sliver of coastal nature hidden within Sydney.
Coober Pedy, Australia

Crocodile Harry's Underground Nest & Dugout

This eccentric cave dwelling is bizarre even by the standards of a subterranean town.
Christmas Island, Australia

Crabs of Christmas Island

The red crab exhibits one of the most spectacular migrations on earth, despite manmade obstacles.
Helensburgh, Australia

Glowworm Tunnel

An abandoned railroad tunnel is now filled with bioluminescent bugs.
Słubice, Poland

Wikipedia Monument

The first, and perhaps only, monument dedicated to Wikipedia.
Czestochowa, Poland

The World's Tallest Pope Statue

Brought to you by the makers of fiberglass dinosaurs.
Gmina, Poland

Zabytkowa Dzwonnica (Cloud Demon Repelling Tower)

This tower in a small Polish village uses the power of a sacred bell to ward off mischievous weather spirits.
Wągrowiec, Poland

The Wagrowiec Bifurcation

One of only two places in the world where two rivers cross each other without the waters mixing.
Poznań, Poland

The Fighting Goats of Poznań

These mechanical goats first battled it out in the year 1551, all because of an overcooked deer.
Wrocław, Poland

Wroclaw Dwarves

The silly symbol for an underground protest group is now scattered around the city.
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw Fotoplastikon

A 20th-century picture show in 3-D.
Juneau, Alaska

Mendenhall Ice Caves

Breathtakingly blue walls shimmer inside the "Glacier Behind the Town."
Ajdabiya, Libya

Atiq Mosque

Early Islamic mosque with several strange conical domes.
San Rafael, Argentina

Borges Memorial Maze

This Argentinian hedge maze is an intricate tribute to a famous surrealist author.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

El Ateneo Grand Splendid

This historic, palatial theater is now one of the world’s most beautiful bookstores.
Nariño, Colombia

Las Lajas Sanctuary

A dangling church built over a Colombian gorge.
Lidumnieki, Latvia


This abandoned secret city is a crumbling wonderland of Soviet ruins.
Riga, Latvia

First-Ever Public Christmas Tree Marker

A stone marker and sculpture in the city of Riga stake a claim for the very first community Christmas tree.
Liepāja, Latvia

Liepaja Northern Forts

These crumbling Latvian forts make for some haunting seaside ruins.
Druskininkai, Lithuania

Hotel Pušynas

This striking structure is the Socialist-modernist centerpiece of a former Soviet spa resort.
Kaunas, Lithuania

George Maciunas Square

The world's first invisible city square is an homage to a man who pushed the boundaries of art.
Upper Black Eddy, Pennsylvania

The Sonorous Stones of Ringing Rocks Park

Mysterious rocks that ring musically when struck.
Fort Bragg, California

Glass Beach

A trash dump made beautiful by nature's power.