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Places edited in Heimaey, Iceland
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Heimaey, Iceland

Volcanic Island of Heimaey

A modern Nordic Pompeii on the Icelandic island of Heimaey.
Heimaey, Iceland

World's Largest Puffin Colony

Every summer local children form "pysja patrols" to save young birds that have wandered from their nests.

Red Chair

A giant red chair bolted to a rock on a remote mossy hillside in Iceland.
Québec City, Québec

Wolfe's Cove Tunnel

Train tunnel running underneath Quebec City.
Ypsilanti, Michigan

Ypsilanti Water Tower

Lovingly nick-named the "Brick Dick" this municipal tower was winner of the World's Most Phallic Building Contest.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Minnehaha County Courthouse Original Courtroom

At the turn of the 20th century, the Minnehaha County courthouse played host to sensational public divorce trials.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Falls Park

More than 7,000 gallons of water pour over these cascading red quartzite waterfalls every second.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Calvary Cathedral's Stained-Glass Windows

This 19th-century religious artwork was once highly controversial—because it was donated to the church by a divorcee.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Sioux Falls Michelangelos

One devoted couple has donated multiple recreations of Michelangelo's sculptures to this South Dakota town.
Arlington, Virginia

Arlington Temple United Methodist Church

This church built atop a gas station promises to "equip you for the next stage in your life’s journey."
Arlington, Virginia

Rosslyn Metro Escalator

At 207 feet, one of the world's longest continuous escalators.
Arlington, Virginia

Deep Throat Parking Garage

Parking garage where Bob Woodward met Watergate source "Deep Throat."
Ellicott City, Maryland


An eerie, decaying ghost town destined to fade into the forest.
Toronto, Ontario

'Little Canada'

A miniature representation of Canadian cities and landmarks in incredible—and sometimes hilarious—detail.
Berlin, Germany

Weissensee Abandoned Children's Hospital

A state-of-the-art medical facility from the Imperial era is now a derelict ruin.
Centralia, Pennsylvania

Centralia Ghost Town Church

A mine fire has been burning under the deserted town since 1962, but this church is still going strong.
Ashland, Pennsylvania

Big Mine Run Geyser

The only geyser in the state of Pennsylvania is caused by pressure from an abandoned coal mine outside of the ghost town Centralia.
Glen Gardner, New Jersey

Abandoned Hagedorn Psychiatric Hospital

A recently abandoned psych ward at the end of Sanatorium Road.
Hokendauqua, Pennsylvania

Abandoned Thomas Iron Ruins

One of the first commercially successful anthracite-powered iron-making operations in North America.
Chicago, Illinois

Damen Silos

These abandoned grain silos and tunnels are an urban exploration dream.
Topeka, Kansas

Kansas State Capitol Cupola

Journey up the capitol building's cupola for an amazing view of Topeka.
Berlin, Germany


The largest free-standing aquarium in the world resides in a hotel lobby in Berlin.
Berlin, Germany

Marx and Engels Forum

One of downtown Berlin's last reminders of its Communist past.
Bern, Switzerland

Klingende Sammlung

An amazing collection of rare wind instruments where visitors can give the iconic Swiss Alphorn a toot.