Mario Yair TS's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Mexico City, Mexico
Places edited in Aguascalientes, Mexico
Places visited in Mexico
Places added to Mexico
Places edited in Puebla, Mexico
Places visited in Guanajuato, Mexico
Places edited in Mexico
Places edited in Cuernavaca, Mexico
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Pachuca de Soto, Mexico

Macromural de Pachuca

One of the world's largest murals covers a large swath of homes in its hillside neighborhood.
Dolores Hidalgo, Mexico

Nieves Exóticas of Jardín Principal

Meat and seafood are part of the frozen dessert flavors available at these legendary street stands.
Jiutepec, Mexico

Camino Real Sumiya

The tragic heiress Barbara Woolworth Hutton built her seventh husband this Japanese-inspired palace in Mexico.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo del Calzado (Footwear Museum)

This covert museum showcases booties worn by a rescue dog and slippers owned by Queen Elizabeth II.
Mexico City, Mexico

Tomb of Hernán Cortés

Hidden for more than a century, the grave of the Conquistador remains forgotten behind these church walls.
Chimalhuacán, Mexico

'Guerrero Chimalli'

This controversial, abstract sculpture is meant to represent an Aztec warrior.
Mexico City, Mexico

Temple Ehécatl

This Aztec structure remained hidden until the demolition of a supermarket exposed the lost temple.
Mexico City, Mexico

Pabellón Rayos Cósmicos (Cosmic Ray Pavilion)

This laboratory has a remarkable concrete roof that measures less than an inch at its thickest point.
Oaxaca, Mexico

La Pozontlería

One of the city's few vendors selling the Sierra Norte's ancestral beverage lies within a hidden farmers market.
Taxco, Mexico

Museo De Arte Virreinal (Museum of Viceroyalty Art)

The jewel of the museum is a rare tumulus, a funeral decoration from the 18th century.
Metepec, Mexico

Museo del Barro (Museum of Clay)

A collection of incredible clay crafts, complete with earthen skeletons and mermaids.
Mexico City, Mexico

Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo House Studio Museum

The famous artist couple lived and worked here, in two different houses separated by a bridge.
Taxco, Mexico

Casa Figueroa

This "cursed house" features secret rooms, hidden vaults, and dark escape tunnels.
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

La Rotonda del Mar

A Lovecraftian altar of nightmarish bronze chairs sits ominously on a boardwalk in Puerto Vallarta.
Tepoztlán, Mexico

El Tepozteco

High atop a Mexican rainforest mountain, this ancient pyramid once drew pilgrims countries away.
Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico

Mexicable Cable Car

Mexico's first public cable car soars over the congested streets outside Mexico City.
Pachuca de Soto, Mexico

Dinoparque's Median Strip Dinosaurs

The realistic reptiles lurk along the side of a highway.
Mexico City, Mexico

Espacio Escultórico (Sculptural Space)

A series of abstract sculptures pop up from an otherworldly volcanic landscape.
Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico

Cerro de las Campanas (Hill of Bells)

When struck, the strange stones in this park ring like bells.
Taxco, Mexico

Pre-Hispanic Mine of Taxco

This centuries-old mine remained hidden beneath a hotel bar until 2013.
Cacahuamilpa, Mexico

Grutas de Cacahuamilpa

One of the world’s largest cave systems houses legends, concerts, and wondrous rock formations alike.
Guanajuato, Mexico

Teaching School of Guanajuato

One of the city's most imposing Neoclassical buildings is also one of its most prestigious schools.
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Fábrica La Aurora

This art shopping center still boasts pieces of its past as a textile factory.
Mexico City, Mexico

Coyoacán Bazaar Toy Cemetery

Abandoned figurines adorn a small plot on the side of a craft market's entrance.