Mario Yair TS's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Mexico City, Mexico
Places edited in Aguascalientes, Mexico
Places visited in Mexico
Places added to Mexico
Places edited in Puebla, Mexico
Places visited in Guanajuato, Mexico
Places edited in Mexico
Places edited in Cuernavaca, Mexico
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San Martín Tilcajete, Mexico

Alebrijes of San Martín Tilcajete

This Oaxacan town is known for its colorful fantastical creatures hand-carved by local artisans.
Mérida, Mexico

Cenote Xlacah

One of the few places where you can visit a cenote and Maya ruins at the same time.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo Dolores Olmedo

This extraordinary art museum is like a secret world on the edge of Mexico City.
Mexico City, Mexico

Hellenic Cultural Institute's Coffered Ceiling

This piece of a Renaissance-era Spanish castle remained lost for decades.
Guadalajara, Mexico

Casa ITESO Clavigero

This singular Mexican structure is considered a masterpiece of the Tapatía architectural school.
Mexico City, Mexico

The Animals of Parque España

Some charming, but sadly, unloved animal statues call this park home.
Mexico City, Mexico

Metro Auditorio

This Mexico City subway station will make you feel like you've been transported to the London Underground.
Mexico City, Mexico

Mexican Calendars Exhibition at the Soumaya Museum

This collection of promotional calendars preserves a staple of mid-century Mexican pop art.
Cuilapam de Guerrero, Mexico

Ex-Monastery of Santiago Apóstol

This exquisite example of early colonial architecture remains unfinished almost 500 years after construction began.
Oaxaca, Mexico

Rufino Tamayo Museum of Pre-Hispanic Art

An incredible collection of Mesoamerican art assembled by one of Mexico's great artists.
Zacatecas, Mexico

Mausoleum of Illustrious People

This grand yet little-visited tomb seems almost carved into the hill it sits on.
Mexico City, Mexico

Temple of Santiago Tlatelolco's Stones

A close look at the church's walls reveals pieces of Mexico's history.
Mexico City, Mexico

'Asia in Ivory'

The collection of intricate sculptures includes one carved from a mammoth's tusk
Mexico City, Mexico

Cineteca Nacional de Mexico

Its incredible collections are dedicated to preserving Mexico's film history.
Mexico City, Mexico

Moctezuma's Treasure

It's believed this golden brick is part of the legendary lost Aztec treasure.
Mexico City, Mexico

Franz Mayer Museum Courtyard

These museum grounds are a Dalai Lama-declared peace oasis.
Mexico City, Mexico

Franz Mayer Museum Silver Collection

A shining treasure trove of fine Mexican silver dating back to the 15th century.
Mexico City, Mexico

Mercado Melchor Múzquiz Murals

Outside a market, beautiful murals pay tribute to fruit sellers and farmers, as well as a few legendary artists.
Puebla, Mexico

CIS San Javier

This palatial building has lived many lives as a convent, prison, cultural center, state archives, and government offices.
Mexico City, Mexico

Casa de la Memoria Indómita (House of Indomitable Memory)

Its exhibits are dedicated to educating the public about state terrorism in Mexico.
Mexico City, Mexico

Secretariat of Public Education Murals

Diego Rivera hid various people and symbols in his first large-scale mural project.
Mexico City, Mexico

Proyecto Público Prim (Public Project Prim)

This once-abandoned mansion is now a dreamy event space.
Mexico City, Mexico

José Luis Cuevas Museum

Its most enigmatic sculpture is a giantess with a ghostly face on her knee.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo Guadalupano (Virgin of Guadalupe Museum)

The unique collection of gifts includes braids of human hair, a spoon, and a Virgin made of bread.