Mario Yair TS's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Mexico City, Mexico
Places edited in Aguascalientes, Mexico
Places visited in Mexico
Places added to Mexico
Places edited in Puebla, Mexico
Places visited in Guanajuato, Mexico
Places edited in Mexico
Places edited in Cuernavaca, Mexico
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Mexico City, Mexico

'El Perfil del Tiempo'

A "time traveler's" vision of human history stretches throughout Mexico City's Copilco metro station.
Mexico City, Mexico

'Las Razas y La Cultura' Mural

This stunning and ethereal mural symbolizes the beauty, unity, and diversity of humankind.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Casa de los Azulejos

Once home to an aristocratic family and a workers' organization, this intricately tiled building now houses a chain restaurant.
Puebla, Mexico

Amparo Museum

This beautiful and unmissable little museum is full of fascinating artifacts from Mesoamerica's great civilizations.
Mexico City, Mexico

Monoliths of the Templo Mayor

This museum houses two of Mexico's most impressive Aztec monoliths.
San Juan Teotihuacan de Arista, Mexico

Mural of the Great Goddess

A striking depiction of Teotihuacan's mysterious "Spider Woman."
Aguascalientes, Mexico

Templo de San Antonio

This ornate church designed by a self-taught architect is an eclectic masterpiece in the heart of Central Mexico.
Aguascalientes, Mexico

Museo Espacio

A formerly derelict railway workshop is home to a new world-class contemporary art museum in Central Mexico.
Mexico City, Mexico

The Sweets Section at Mercado de la Merced

Mexico City's largest market contains a Willy Wonka-esque wonderland.
Mexico City, Mexico

Concrete Animal Cemetery

Discarded animal sculptures stand forgotten by an abandoned aquarium and water park in Bosque de Chapultepec.
Dolores Hidalgo, Mexico

Son of the Tree of the Night of Sorrows

A sapling of the legendary tree where conquistador Hernán Cortés sat and wept after an Aztec uprising.
Mexico City, Mexico

Death Mask of Pakal the Great

The striking jade death mask of an ancient Maya king is displayed in a replica tomb in Mexico City.
Mexico City, Mexico

Mosaic Votive Skull

The turquoise-studded skull of a long-dead Aztec man sits within Mexico City’s Museum of Anthropology.
Mexico City, Mexico

Mask of the Bat God

This ancient jade mask depicting the Zapotec bat god was found in the ruins of the pyramids of Monte Alban.
Mexico City, Mexico

Baths of Moctezuma

The ruins of the bathhouse used by the ill-fated last Aztec emperor still lie in Chapultepec Park.
Mexico City, Mexico

Faculty of Medicine Mural

A gigantic, symbolic artwork covers the side of the building.
Mexico City, Mexico

'La Conquista de la Energia' ('The Conquest of Energy')

This mid-century mural portrays humankind's spiritual and scientific journey.
Tlalnepantla, Mexico

The Pyramid of Santa Cecilia Acatitlán

This partially reconstructed Aztec pyramid gives a glimpse of what its larger counterparts would have looked like.
Mexico City, Mexico

Centro de Cultura Digital

Beneath the most controversial monument in Mexico City is a cultural center that exhibits only digital art.
Mexico City, Mexico


The most complete statue of this Aztec god sits a top a throne carved with images of hallucinogenic plants.
Mexico City, Mexico

Monolith of Tlaloc

This colossal ancient sculpture of the monstrous Aztec rain god has a literally stormy history.
Mexico City, Mexico

Foro Sol

The F1 Mexican Grand Prix circuit goes right through the middle of this old baseball stadium.
Mexico City, Mexico

Fuente de los Coyotes

In Coyoacán, a pair of coyotes crown a public fountain in reference to the ancient Aztec name of the borough.
Mexico City, Mexico

Guillermo Tovar de Teresa House Museum

The now-public home of a renowned art collector is full of unique pieces from viceregal and 19th-century Mexico.