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Places visited in Stavoren, Netherlands
Places visited in Valkenburg, Netherlands
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Loenen, Netherlands

Waterfall of Loenen

The tallest waterfall in the Netherlands is a lovely, stepped feature that is only 50 feet tall.
Apeldoorn, Netherlands

Apenheul Primate Park

Go inside a revolutionary, cage-less zoo where 35 species live and some of them roam free alongside their human visitors.
Kaatsheuvel, Netherlands

Efteling Sprookjesbos

This fairy tale forest hides scenes from some of the more obscure and bizarre Western nursery stories.
Stavoren, Netherlands

Hotel de Vrouwe van Stavoren

A Netherlands hotel where you can sleep inside a wine barrel.
Valkenburg, Netherlands

Kasteelruine Fluweelengrot

The ruins of this Dutch castle sit atop a labyrinth of once-secret tunnels and passageways, dating back over 900 years.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Cube Houses

These slanted cubic abodes are a creative if odd solution to a zoning pickle.
Vaals, Netherlands

Labyrint Drielandenpunt

A beautiful maze marks where three countries meet.
Giethoorn, Netherlands


This small town in the Netherlands has no roads but instead, miles of canals and over 100 bridges.
Stavoren, Netherlands

Lady of Stavoren

This Dutch statue is a monument to the fictional shrew who brought doom to the city of Stavoren.
Schiermonnikoog, Netherlands

Whale Jaw of Schiermonnikoog

An awe-inspiring giant blue whale jaw bone stands in the center of this Dutch island.
IJsselstein, Netherlands

Gerbrandy Tower

For the holidays, the tallest broadcasting tower in the Netherlands turns into one of the world's tallest Christmas trees.
Lelystad, Netherlands


Building Men of War and Indiamen from Holland's Golden Age.
Schokland, Netherlands


The struggle of a small Dutch island against the sea.
Amersfoort, Netherlands

Plein Rond de Eik

The gargoyles and grotesques of the 21st century are here—22 emoji built into a new building in the Netherlands.
Leiden, Netherlands

Leiden Stones

A trio of red, white, and blue stones embedded in the streets of Leiden are markers of medieval territory and law.
Valkenburg, Netherlands

Museum Romeinse Katakomben (Roman Catacombs Museum)

Visit the ancient, mysterious Roman catacombs ... in the Netherlands.
Leiden, Netherlands

The Wall Poems of Leiden

The works of poetry's biggest names grace the walls of the city of Leiden, all carefully painted by hand.
Almere, Netherlands

Green Cathedral

Lombardy poplars planted to imitate the size and shape of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Reims.
Radio Kootwijk, Netherlands

Radio Kootwijk

This disused VLF radio station is no longer in service but the surrounding town still bears its name.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Three connected pink triangles memorialize persecuted gays and lesbians throughout history.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


This 1920s Amsterdam neighborhood was built as a giant experiment in concrete construction.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


This city square is home to Amsterdam's oldest church and a statue honoring Dutch sex workers.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

A'DAM Lookout and Over The Edge Swing

This 22-floor tower's Skydeck offers panoramic views of Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Our Lord in the Attic

The attic of a four-century-old canal house hides a clandestine church.