sjelly's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Diego, California

1895 Looff Carousel

One of the few remaining carousels built by master amusement park carver Charles I.D. Looff.
San Diego, California

Balboa Park Botanical Building and Lily Pond

Built for an exposition in 1915, these horticultural displays have stood the test of time.
Port Townsend, Washington

Fort Worden Artillery Battery

An abandoned network of military bunkers and tunnels open for anyone willing to descend into the darkness.
Seattle, Washington

Fremont Troll

A giant Troll lurks under one of Seattle's oldest bridges.
Pasadena, California

Kendall Alley

A cobblestone alley with an interesting past.
West Hollywood, California

Tail O’ the Pup

This L.A. fixture has been serving hot dogs out of a giant hot dog since 1946.
Solvang, California

Rundetaarn Replica

In the "Danish Capital of America," a replica of one of Copenhagen's most iconic buildings.
Los Angeles, California

Travel Town Museum

A miniature train theme park, free to the public, laying at the base of the Santa Monica Mountains.
Newport Beach, California

The Frozen Banana Stands of Balboa Island

Try the frozen treat that inspired Arrested Development's famous banana stand.
Santa Monica, California

Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome

A Looff creation in Santa Monica best described as “a California-Byzantine-Moorish-style fantasy.”
Los Alamos, California

The Victorian Mansion

This unique bed and breakfast was first constructed during the 1800s by a Russian immigrant family.
Arcadia, California

Denny's Windmill

A relic from a forgotten bakery chain still spins atop a diner.
Los Angeles, California

Eagle Rock

The neighborhood of Eagle Rock is named after a gigantic boulder with a shadowy surprise.
Santa Margarita, California

Rinconada Mercury Mine

Machinery left over from California's once thriving mercury industry now attracts artists and explorers.
Los Angeles, California

Wat Thai Temple Food Market

Every weekend, the parking lot of this Buddhist temple turns into a Thai street-food paradise.
Eureka, California

The Carson Mansion

Commonly referred to as the most photographed Victorian home in the United States.
San Francisco, California

The Tonga Room

Tiki luxury on Nob Hill.
Cantil, California


Salt is slowly eating away this abandoned saltworks town in the desert.
Los Angeles, California

Table 31 at Tam O’Shanter

Sit at the "Disney table,” where Walt and his team of "imagineers" once dined on the regular.
Los Angeles, California

Angelus Temple

Church and home-museum of a 1920s female revivalist preacher with a very sordid past.
Los Angeles, California

Riverside Roundabout

An L.A. traffic island where the faces of locals have been carved into massive granite eggs.
Los Angeles, California

Museum of Tolerance

A multimedia experience that chronicles the atrocities of racism.
Los Angeles, California

Idle Hour

The programmatic glory of LA's giant whiskey barrel building has become an upscale reminder of the city's kitschy roadside past.
Los Angeles, California

Galco's Soda Pop Stop

Shop selling 500 flavors of soda has something for everyone.