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Carnac, France

Carnac Stones

Hundreds of prehistoric stones, arranged in perfect lines in a French field.
Nantes, France

l'Île de Versailles Jardin Japonais

This small island, a byproduct of 19th-century canal construction, is now home to a charming Japanese garden.
Saint-Nazaire, France

Suite de Triangles

These red marks, seemingly placed at random, are in fact not.
Bouée, France

Villa Cheminée

This tiny hotel perched atop a 50-foot tower really puts things into perspective.
Nantes, France

'Mètre à Ruban'

A massively oversized measuring tape sculpture sits inside a hidden yard.
Nantes, France

Machines of the Isle of Nantes

Massive puppet-automaton machines created by French artist collective Machines de l’Ile.
Couëron, France

House in the Loire

The sunken structure looks like the victim of a catastrophic flood.
Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, France

Serpent D'Océan

An aluminum skeleton brings Chinese mythology to the French shore.
Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel

This 1,300 year old monastery built atop a single rock was once only accessible depending on the whims of the tide.
Lille, France

Monument to Carrier Pigeons

This statue honors the thousands of Allied avians that served and died for France during World War I.
Ghent, Belgium


This narrow Ghent alleyway is an officially sanctioned street art tunnel.

Augustów Canal

An engineering marvel at the time of its construction, this cross-border waterway sought to connect the Black Sea to the Baltic.
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw Uprising Monument

A tribute to the Polish insurgents who fought in the failed attempt to end their city's Nazi occupation.
Lyon, France

Église du Bon-Pasteur

This abandoned church in central Lyon is missing its front stairs.
Lyon, France

Traboules Secret Passages

Hundreds of hidden passageways weave through the old quarters of Lyon.
Fontainebleau, France

Fontaine de Diane (Fountain of Diana)

Peeing dogs guard the Roman hunting goddess atop a fountain at France’s Château de Fontainebleau.
Córdoba, Spain

Mezquita (Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba)

Spain's unique Mosque-Cathedral has been a place of worship for both Muslims and Christians throughout its history.
Annecy, France

Palais de l’Île

A fortified palace in the shape of a ship on the Thiou river.
Geneva, Switzerland

L’horloge Fleurie (The Flower Clock)

The world's largest second-hand graces a clock surrounded by constantly changing flower beds. 
Geneva, Switzerland

Repère Pierre du Niton

This stone in Lake Geneva was once the reference point used to determine altitude in Switzerland.
Geneva, Switzerland

Brunswick Monument

An opulent monument built for a duke who donated his entire fortune to the city of Geneva.
Lyon, France

Metallic Tower of Fourvière

Lyon's miniature version of the Eiffel Tower was built as a statement in support of French secularism.
Lyon, France

Ancient Roman Theaters of Lyon

Lyon, France is home to two remarkably preserved Roman theaters, one dating back to 15 BCE.
Lyon, France

'Le Mur des Canuts'

Lyon's "Wall of the Silk Weavers" is one of the largest murals in Europe.