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Places visited in Jemez Springs, New Mexico
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Beatty, Nevada

Rhyolite Ghost Town

Odd outsider art installations surround a Gold Rush-era ghost town.
Beatty, Nevada

'Rhyolite's District of Shadows'

A land of debatable treasure.
Velarde, New Mexico

Mesa Prieta Petroglyphs

A preserve with 75,000 ancient drawings remains the realm of public – not just scientific – exploration.
Pecos, New Mexico

Pecos National Historical Park

Despite time, colonization, and the brutal New Mexican heat, these Pueblo ruins still stand.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Palace of the Governors

The oldest continuously occupied public building in the United States.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe Botanical Garden

This high desert botanical garden is a unique display of New Mexico’s ecology and culture.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe Shatter Cones

The shattered remnants of a meteor that struck Santa Fe more than a billion years ago.
Watrous, New Mexico

Fort Union National Monument

The ruins of this abandoned fort now stand as a picturesque reminder of America's march West.
Bosque, New Mexico

Bernardo Waterfowl Area

The winter home of thousands of beautiful snow geese and sandhill cranes.
Los Cerrillos, New Mexico

Los Cerrillos

This sparsely populated town offers a look back in time.
Madrid, New Mexico

Madrid Christmas Parade

A ghost town revived by hippies and wanderers throws its own special brand of holiday parade.
Sandia Park, New Mexico


"I did this all while you were watching TV."
Isleta Village Proper, New Mexico

Saint Augustine Catholic Church of Isleta

This centuries-old pueblo church houses the body of a Franciscan friar who is said to be a rare "incorruptible" corpse.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Musical Highway

If drivers cross the rumble strip on this stretch of Route 66 at just the right speed it plays "America the Beautiful."
Cedar Crest, New Mexico

TWA Flight 260 Crash Site

Deadly airliner crash preserved for those willing to climb and pay respects.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Red Planet Books & Comics

The only Native American comic shop in the world.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

American International Rattlesnake Museum

A museum devoted entirely to the rattlesnakes and snake-related art.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Calabacillas Arroyo Artificial Fossils

From a T-rex to a teapot, a cast of artificial fossils illustrates New Mexico's history.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Pueblo Montaño Chainsaw Sculpture Garden

When life gave this firefighter a forest fire, he made a rough-hewn sculpture park using a chainsaw.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Petroglyph National Monument

Thousands of pieces of art have been carved into the rock at the site of an ancient volcanic eruption.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

The Harrell House Bug Museum

Thousands of mounted insects, and some live ones, hide within an otherwise ordinary shopping mall.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Burning of Zozobra

Setting this massive marionette aflame rids Santa Fe of doom and gloom for another year.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

House of Eternal Return

An immersive environment that is part haunted house, part choose-your-own-adventure, and part jungle gym.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Camel Rock

A natural formation that resembles a camel resting in the New Mexico desert.