waveparticlepixel's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Thingvellir, Iceland
Places added to Duisburg, Germany
Places edited in Haarlem, Netherlands
Places edited in Duisburg, Germany
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Tenerife, Spain

Mount Teide

According to the Guanches, the aboriginal people of the Canary Islands, the king of evil lives inside this volcano.
Icod de los Vinos, Spain

Drago Milenario

This local emblem is the oldest and largest dragon tree in the Canary Islands.
Güímar, Spain

Teide Observatory

A large collection of solar and night-time telescopes dot a small area on the Teide mountain range.
Schwangau, Germany

MarienBrücke (Maria Bridge)

A unique bridge with an equally unique view.
Haarlem, Netherlands

Grote Kerk

This towering church is home to a world-famous organ and a treasure trove of medieval art.
Oosterbeek, Netherlands

Hotel de Bilderberg

An idyllic hotel that gave its name to a supposed shadow government.
Vaals, Netherlands


The tallest mountain in mainland Netherlands isn't actually very tall.
Wierschem, Germany

Eltz Castle - Burg Eltz

This medieval castle overlooking the Elzbach river looks just like it did hundreds of years ago.
Bernkastel-Kues, Germany


This 600-year-old home seems to defy physics.
Burgh-Haamstede, Netherlands

Plompe Toren

Its town washed away centuries ago, this lonely tower by the sea tells the tale of a mermaid and a curse.
Stellendam, Netherlands

Tij Bird Observatory

Watch the local Netherlands birds from inside this giant eco-egg.
Saint-Malo, France

Fort de la Conchée

A unique military outpost carved into a rocky outcrop in the English Channel.
Valencia, Spain

Holy Chalice of Valencia

Of the many chalices in the running for the Holy Grail, this one in Valencia Cathedral sure looks the part.
Valencia, Spain

Central Market of Valencia

This amazing example of Valencian Art Nouveau looks more like a cathedral than a public market.
Thingvellir, Iceland

Þingvellir Church

This beautiful, historic church looks like something out of a simpler past.

Haukadalur Geothermal Field

This valley of hot springs and boiling mud pots is home to the record-holding "Geysir," which originated the English word.

Gullfoss (Golden Falls)

If a glacial river suddenly diving into a sheer chasm via a dramatic, multi-stage waterfall isn't peak Iceland, it's certainly close.
Reykholt, Iceland


Inside this Icelandic greenhouse, geothermal energy keeps tomatoes warm and growing.
Hvolsvöllur, Iceland

South Iceland's Bra Fence

Along this wire fence, travelers have been leaving a particular memento since 2012.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Monument to the Unknown Bureaucrat

Iceland's tribute to its thankless civil servants.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Whales of Iceland

The largest whale museum in Europe allows visitors to walk among life-size giants.
Soest, Netherlands

Lange Duinen

This large sand dune in the Netherlands is home to wind-whipped trees with "floating" roots.
Harderwijk, Netherlands

Aqueduct Veluwemeer

While most bridges allow roads to pass over water, this one allows water to pass over a road.
Fortingall, Scotland

The Fortingall Yew

Possibly the oldest living thing in Europe, more likely a pagan survivor.