worldlywondersandcurios's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places added to Rapid City, South Dakota
Places added to Dubuque, Iowa
Places edited in Dubuque, Iowa
Places visited in Coral Gables, Florida
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Glendale, California

Forest Lawn Cemetery

An extraordinary final resting place full of oversized art, amazing statues, and dead celebrities.
Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Resting place of Hollywood's immortals is also site of summer film screenings.
Los Angeles, California

Skeletons in the Closet

Gift shop offering toe tags and chalk body beach towels tucked into a coroner's office.
Devils Tower, Wyoming

Devils Tower

The first declared National Monument in the United States.
Deadwood, South Dakota

Mt. Moriah Cemetery

A cemetery housing wild west legends in South Dakota.
Custer, South Dakota

Crazy Horse Memorial

The world's largest mountain carving could fit all of Mount Rushmore inside it many times over.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Depression Era Dinosaur Park

One of America's first dinosaur parks gives a window into Depression-era paleontology.
Wall, South Dakota

Wall Drug

The granddaddy of all tourist traps, built on ice water, jackalopes, and a giant dinosaur.
Mitchell, South Dakota

The Corn Palace

A fitting attraction for the corn capital of the world.
Savannah, Georgia

Grave of Corinne Elliot Lawton

This haunting tombstone comes complete with a heartbreaking story of love and loss.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Abandoned Jazzland

A theme park that suffered massive flooding during Katrina was abandoned, and now proves irresistible to trespassing explorers.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Saint Roch Chapel

A 19th-century shrine covered with prosthetic body parts as votive offerings.
New Orleans, Louisiana

LaLaurie Mansion

This symbolic piece of New Orleans architecture is also home to a few ghastly stories.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Marie Laveau's Tomb

The final resting place of New Orleans' most famous voodoo priestess.
New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans Pharmacy Museum

The curiosities and wonders of pharmacy in a delightful historic building.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1

The oldest cemetery in New Orleans, resting peacefully for over 200 years now.