As I’m sure you’ve noticed, Atlas Obscura has a new look.

What have we done? Some of it’s obvious. We have a new logo. We’re using new fonts. (For type-wonks out there: The logo and headlines are Platform, and body copy is Freight.) We’ve got new colors. The site has more white space and bigger type, so it should be easier to read. We’ve moved some of the sharing buttons, so it’s clearer how to post, tweet, and email Atlas Obscura stories.

We haven’t radically changed how you move around and search the site, but have tweaked it a little bit. The amazing collection of almost 9,000 places you’ve contributed: That’s now called “The Atlas.” What was formerly “Articles” is now “Stories.” And how about our old “Random Place” button? It’s still there, but it’s now an Easter Egg, a treat we hope you’ll find as you nose around the site.

Our new-look site also does a better job recognizing and celebrating our incredible community. Within the Atlas we’re now highlighting community members who’ve added or edited places. We’ve also made the “Add a Place” function more prominent, so it will be simpler for you to contribute a favorite spot (like this glorious library, for example). These are just first steps: The Atlas wouldn’t exist without your contributions, so we’re planning for many more community improvements to come.

The least obvious change to Atlas Obscura may be the most important. We’ve recoded the site to be “responsive,” meaning it will look better and work better on your phone and tablet.

So what’s next? We’ll make the mobile experience better by adding a logged-in experience, so that everything you do on your desktop computer (add places, mark that you want to go somewhere, etc.) can also be easily done on your phone. We’ll continue making the Atlas easier to contribute to and edit. We’ll be improving search.

And we’ll be listening to your feedback about how to improve the site. If you have comments, questions, or criticisms about the new look, or ideas about what we should work on next, please email our Head of Product, Tyler Cole, at [email protected].