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Places visited in Guadalajara, Mexico
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Teuchitlán, Mexico


The jewel of western Mexico's archaeological legacy is this tiered circular pyramid now covered in grass.
Guadalajara, Mexico

Parque Mirador Independencia Amphitheater (Independence Lookout Park)

This concrete amphitheater offers an unforgettable view of one of Mexico's most beautiful canyons.
Guadalajara, Mexico

Hospicio Cabañas

One of the oldest hospitals in the Americas is now decorated in hallucinatory murals.
Guadalajara, Mexico

Telmex Building

This structure was moved nearly 40 feet while people continued working inside it.
Guadalajara, Mexico


A beautiful and controversial modern sculpture that alludes to the Aztec past identity of the Virgin of Guadalupe and the phenomenon of syncretism.
Guadalajara, Mexico

Templo Expiatorio Clock

For decades, the parade of apostles that left the Expiatory Temple of Guadalajara remained hidden inside one of the towers.
Guadalajara, Mexico

Casa ITESO Clavigero

This singular Mexican structure is considered a masterpiece of the Tapatía architectural school.
Guadalajara, Mexico

Casa José Guadalupe Zuno Door

This door in the old residential area of Guadalajara hides several communist motifs.