cum2tekuiti's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Two Rocks, Australia

Atlantis Marine Park

An abandoned marine theme park has created a difficult experiment in dolphin rewilding.
Castle Hill, New Zealand

Castle Hill

The Dalai Lama named this New Zealand landscape the "Spiritual Center of the Universe."
Barcelona, Spain

Chocolate Museum

Gaze upon chocolate sculptures depicting everything from chariot races to Gaudí's famous church at this shrine to sweets.
Los Angeles, California

Declaration Sculpture

60 feet of towering steel balances gracefully.
Santa Monica, California

Route 66 End of the Trail Sign

A sign at the end of the Santa Monica Pier marks the traditional end of the legendary American highway.
Santa Monica, California

Pacific Park Solar Ferris Wheel

A second generation sun-powered marvel lights up the night.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Gastown Steam Clock

A working steam clock, one of only a few in the world, located in Vancouver's Victorian Gastown.
Whistler, British Columbia

Whistler Train Wreck

The remains of a Canadian train crash are now mouldering beneath layers of rust and graffiti.
Vancouver, British Columbia

'Girl in a Wetsuit'

What happens when a sculptor has to find a way around a 100-year-old copyright.
Gili Meno, Indonesia

Abandoned Bounty Beach Bungalows Resort

A Balinese resort, empty and trapped in time.
Woombye, Australia

The Big Pineapple

A giant Australian fruit and tropical farm.
Trunyan, Indonesia


One native village in Bali lays their dead at the foot of a holy tree whose natural fragrance seems to hide the stench as the bodies decompose.
Malé, Maldives

Thilafushi: the "Rubbish Island"

The exorbitant price of paradise.
Hampden, New Zealand

Moeraki Boulders

Highly spherical boulders on the shores of New Zealand.
Cardrona, New Zealand

Cardrona Bra Fence

Hundreds of bras, blowing in the wind.
Wanaka, New Zealand

Puzzling World

New Zealand's epic shrine to all things puzzling.
Christchurch, New Zealand


After the devastating 2011 earthquake, historic Christchurch begins to recover, starting with the pop-up Re:START mall.
Waimangu, New Zealand

Lake Rotomahana

The once and future home of New Zealand's famed Pink and White Terraces.
Auckland, New Zealand

Sky Tower

A New Zealand communications tower stands as the tallest structure in the Southern Hemisphere.
Lake Tekapo, New Zealand

Takapō (Lake Tekapo)

A perfect turquoise lake colored with glacier dust.
Hot Water Beach, New Zealand

Hot Water Beach

Handcrafted thermal spa washes away each night with the tide.
Lake Tarawera, New Zealand

Te Wairoa Buried Village

A Maori village obliterated by an 1886 volcanic eruption.
Wellington, New Zealand

Colossal Squid

The world's only complete colossal squid specimen is on display at the Te Papa Museum.
Tirau, New Zealand

Big Dog and Sheep

These two delightful animal-shaped buildings host a visitor center and wool shop.