Ed Lynch
I'm a sort of driver/philosopher who's accrued over 40 years of writing that I rarely submit, in part because I don't want to have to explain why I rarely submit anything. For money I drive, these days in the states from Colorado to Washington. I have more independence than most OTR drivers in that I can stop whenever I want to sight-see, detouring 200 miles or more if I get the urge.
I read quite a few of your articles and have posted a few on my FB page. Recently I detoured to Ft Peck Dam, a place I'd never heard of before working in Montana, but a fascinating historical site. I don't know if I captured enough info to write an article or if you already had that one covered, but I thought I'd at least see what articles were in your archives, and perhaps as I visit these places, most of them obscure, I could view them with an eye toward submitting to your fine periodical.