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Buenos Aires, Argentina

Floralis Generica

105-foot wide giant metallic flower blooms anew every day in the heart of Buenos Aires.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Original Tomb of Tomás Guido

The humble tomb of an Argentine general, hand-built by his son using stones brought down from the Andes.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cementerio de la Chacarita

A vast necropolis where you'll find the elaborate mausoleums of Argentinian tango stars.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

El Zanjón de Granados

Museum housed in underground tunnels that date back to Buenos Aires's earliest settlements.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Tomb of Rufina Cambacérès

A beautiful young girl said to have been buried alive in her coffin…
Buenos Aires, Argentina

La Manzana de las Luces

A gateway to a mysterious network of underground tunnels.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Palacio Barolo

A tower devoted to — and modeled after — the Divine Comedy.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cementerio de la Recoleta

Buenos Aires' city of the dead contains some very famous remains, including Eva Perón.
Honolulu, Hawaii

'Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii'

An ode to one of the first concerts broadcast via satellite.
Honolulu, Hawaii

Koko Crater Trail

Climbing this abandoned railway leads to breathtaking vistas of O‘ahu.
Boston, Massachusetts

Grave of Christopher Seider

This headstone marks the grave of an 11-year-old boy killed during clashes in the streets over the boycotting of British goods.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Irish Famine Memorial

Dedicated to one of the darkest moments in Irish history.
Boston, Massachusetts

New England Holocaust Memorial

Millions of numbers carved in glass represent the tattoos forced upon victims.
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of the Boston Tax Riot

One of the indelible moments of the American Revolution took place at this location.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston's First Street

Historic Hull Street was actually the first street with a proper name in the Boston area.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Tea Kettle

This massive tea kettle was once a promotional stunt for the Oriental Teashop.
Boston, Massachusetts

Bunker Hill Monument

This monument on Breed's Hill proves that one of the most famous battles of the Revolutionary War is misnamed.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Earl of Sandwich

A men’s restroom became a sandwich shop.
Boston, Massachusetts

Tomb of the Mather Family

The tomb of Increase Mather and his son Cotton, influential colonial ministers obsessed with the occult.
Boston, Massachusetts

King's Chapel Crypt

A more than 260-year-old crypt built on Boston's oldest English burial ground.
Boston, Massachusetts

Union Oyster House

This nearly 200-year-old restaurant's history includes an exiled French prince, JFK, and a very hungry Daniel Webster.
Boston, Massachusetts

Old North Church

The site of Paul Revere's historic two lantern warning.
Boston, Massachusetts

USS Constitution

Berthed at the Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston, "Old Ironsides" is the oldest commissioned warship still afloat.
Boston, Massachusetts

Great Boston Molasses Flood Plaque

The site of one of the strangest disasters in history—a wave of deadly molasses traveling at 35 mph.