jbkrugel's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kazanlak, Bulgaria

Buzludzha Monument

An abandoned saucer-shaped monument in the Bulgarian mountains.
Granada, Spain

Muslim Gravestones of the Alhambra

Spanish architects used seized Muslim gravestones to rebuild parts of the fortress.
Wadi Rum Village, Jordan

Wadi Rum

Known as the "Valley of the Moon," this Jordanian wadi is one of the most amazing desertscapes on Earth.
Laqiya, Israel

Negev Desert Embroidery and Weaving

Traditional Bedouin crafting has become an official tourist site and successful industry for its female craftspeople.
Caesarea, Israel

Caesarea Maritima Mithraeum

An ancient underground cultic temple where sunlight penetrates on the summer solstice.
Oranienburg, Germany

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

The site of a concentration camp where inmates were made to take part in one of the largest counterfeiting operations in history is now hauntingly empty.
Tallinn, Estonia

St Nicholas' Church Danse Macabre

Only a fragment of this 15th-century Dance of Death survives today.
Tallinn, Estonia

Old Thomas

The Guardian of Tallinn.
Budapest, Hungary

Bullet Hole Markers at the Ministry of Agriculture Building

This easily overlooked memorial immortalizes the scars from the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
Budapest, Hungary


Possibly the world's largest hourglass only needs to be reset every New Year's Eve.
Prague, Czechia

Lennon Wall

Despite attempts by local police to discourage it, Beatles-inspired graffiti has been a means for artists to air grievances for decades.
Drumheller, Alberta

The World's Largest Dinosaur

As if T-rex wasn't big enough, this Canadian monument is four times larger than the real thing.
Victoria, British Columbia

Mile 0

A monument stands at one of the starting lines of the Trans-Canada Highway, formerly the longest uninterrupted highway in the world.
Port McNeill, British Columbia

The Ronning Burl

A Canadian port town is oddly home to two of the largest tree burls in the world.
Comox-Strathcona K, British Columbia

Hornby Island Bald Eagle Nest Camera

Webcam that broadcast the hatching of Bald Eagles to millions of viewers.
Coombs, British Columbia

Old Country Market

This quirky countryside store is known for the goats that hang out and eat the grass on its roof.
San Francisco, California

Alcatraz Island

In all of the 29 years it was in operation, no prisoners ever escaped successfully... or so they claim.
Edmonton, Alberta

West Edmonton Mall

This massive mall has hundreds of shops, an amusement park, and a history of deadly amusement attractions.
Qualicum Beach, British Columbia

Old Country Market

This country market harbors goats on its roof.
Seattle, Washington

Gum Wall

A wall of chewing gum moonlights as collective art.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Underground

A walk through the historic city center, under the streets of Seattle.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Vanier Park Column

After spending more than a century on the ocean floor, this shipwrecked column is finally resting atop solid ground.
Vancouver, British Columbia

'Giants' on Granville Island Silos

The colorful, smiling concrete silos of Vancouver.
Vancouver, British Columbia

'Girl in a Wetsuit'

What happens when a sculptor has to find a way around a 100-year-old copyright.