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Places added to Somerset, England
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Somerset, England

Muchelney Abbey

The ruined abbey includes a rare surviving example of a monastic latrine.
Glastonbury, England

The White Spring

A dark Victorian well house now plays host to mystical waters and pagan shrines.
Glastonbury, England


Fascinating town where normal life interfaces with the occult.
Southwell, England

The Workhouse

In the U.K., a historic workhouse shines a light on the early, harsh treatment of the poor.
Lyme Regis, England

Lyme Regis Museum

A local museum honors the overlooked discoveries of Mary Anning, one of the first professional fossil hunters.
Gerrards Cross, England

Chalfont Viaduct

Locals call it the "Give Peas a Chance" bridge because of its distinct graffiti.
Fovant, England

Fovant Badges

Soldiers carved these regimental badges into the chalk hills in remembrance of those who died in World War I.
Hertfordshire, England

Natural History Museum at Tring

The incredible private taxidermy collection of an eccentric zoologist.
Whipsnade, England

Whipsnade White Lion

This unusual geoglyph was built as a warning so low-flying aircraft wouldn't scare the zoo animals.
Thursford, England

Thursford Collection

A large collection of steam engines, organs, and fairground attractions.
Southend-on-Sea, England

Southend Pier Railway

This charming, narrow-gauge railway in the Thames Estuary is sometimes referred to as the "Train to Nowhere."
Portsmouth, England

Spinnaker Tower

This striking observation tower shaped like a spinnaker sail is the newest icon in historic Portsmouth.
Tilbury, England

Tilbury Fort

This star-shaped artillery fort protected the mouth of the Thames from the 16th century to the Second World War.
Rochester, England

Rochester Castle

This foreboding medieval castle was twice besieged by barons rebelling against the English king.
John o' Groats, Scotland

John o' Groats Marker

The sign marks one of the endpoints to mainland Britain's longest overland travel route.
Hertfordshire, England

Ruins of Minsden Chapel

This crumbling 14th century chapel became so unstable the roofing apparently collapsed during a wedding ceremony, narrowly missing the curate's head.
London, England

The Blind Beggar

This East End pub gained notoriety as the site where gangster Ronnie Kray publicly shot a rival.
Avebury, England

The Red Lion

The only pub in the world surrounded by an ancient stone circle.
Southwold, England

Under the Pier Show

A chaotic collection of coin-operated slot machines designed to delight and disturb in equal measure.
Tintagel, England

Tintagel Post Office

A whimsical cottage from the 1300s with a preserved Victorian-era post office inside.
London, England

Tower of London's Ceremony of the Keys

The ritual has been performed uninterrupted for nearly 700 years.
Glastonbury, England

'King Arthur's Tomb'

In the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey lies the alleged resting place of the legendary king.
Clophill, England

St. Mary The Virgin

A reportedly haunted 14th-century church is curiously facing the “wrong direction.”
Kenilworth, England

Kenilworth Castle

This ruined medieval castle was the scene of Lord Robert Dudley’s seductive reception for Queen Elizabeth I.