WanderLush's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Georgia
Places edited in Georgia
Places visited in Tbilisi, Georgia
Places edited in Yerevan, Armenia
Places visited in Lospalos, East Timor
Places edited in Armenia
Places edited in Batumi, Georgia
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Anatori Burial Vaults

Legend says these stone structures are where the doomed citizens of a vanished village sent themselves to die.
Sachkhere, Georgia

Gas Station Mosaic

This old Soviet gas station is in perfect condition, one of the best-preserved mosaics in the country.
Kvareli, Georgia

Kvareli Fortress Football Pitch

This medieval fortress is (or was till 2017) the home stadium of the football club FC Duruji Kvareli.
Tbilisi, Georgia

Sabir’s Chaikhana

The last standing example of an ancient district's teatime tradition.
Mestia, Georgia

Queen Tamar Airport

Despite being tiny and rural this Georgian airport looks like a sci-fi boondoggle.
Tbilisi, Georgia

Tbilisi AutoMuseum

This extensive collection of vintage Soviet cars is the only one of its kind in the Caucasus.
Tbilisi, Georgia

Bridge of Peace

With over 10,000 lights, this engineering marvel lights up the city after dark.
Tbilisi, Georgia

'Chronicle of Georgia'

This extraordinary, multi-pillared monument depicts the fascinating history of Georgia.

Sataplia Nature Reserve

The cave holds a spectacular array of stalactites and stalagmites, including one shaped like a giant human heart.

Sno Giant Head Sculptures

Georgia's answer to Easter Island immortalizes the nation's great poets, artists, and leaders in stone glory.
Tbilisi, Georgia

Vank Bell Tower

When the Soviets destroyed the historic Armenian monastery they somehow left its bell tower intact.
Akhmeta, Georgia

Alaverdi Monastery Cellar

Monks in the empyreal Alazani River valley have preserved their 1,000-year-old winemaking tradition.

Gveleti Waterfall

Hidden up a dusty track off the Georgian Military Road is this fascinating waterfall with mountainous views.
Tbilisi, Georgia

Berikaoba Sculpture Group

A lively circle of dancers in the Georgian capital commemorates an ancient rite of spring.
Batumi, Georgia

Alphabetic Tower

Tower with a double-helix spiral, adorned with letters of the Georgian alphabet.

Sarpi Border Checkpoint

A gleaming white and undulating tower marks the border between Georgia and Turkey.
Tbilisi, Georgia

Jumah Mosque

At this rare mosque in Tbilisi, Sunni and Shia Muslims pray side by side.


This architecturally eclectic fortress witnessed centuries of bloody turmoil, including the massacre of its ruling clan.
Tbilisi, Georgia

Stalin’s Underground Printing House Museum

The secret room where early Bolsheviks cranked out propaganda fliers on a smuggled printing press.
Tbilisi, Georgia

The Iveria

Luxury hotel turned into a refugee camp, then turned back into a luxury hotel.

Russia–Georgia Friendship Monument

A cylinder monument with a spectacular vista commemorates a friendship that some say never existed.
Batumi, Georgia

Batumi McDonald's

Fast food feels like fine dining at this award-winning modern Georgian building.
Kumistavi, Georgia

Prometheus Cave

This neon lit Georgian cave claims to hold the boulder Prometheus was chained to.
Batumi, Georgia

Ali and Nino

A literally moving statue of stacked metal giants just continually trying (and failing) to find love.