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Places added to Kyoto, Japan
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Bad Dürkheim, Germany

Bad Dürkheim Aerial Tramway

Ruins of an aerial tramway that ran for only eight years.
Heidelberg, Germany

Heidelberg Tun

Sitting in the basement of a castle, the largest wine barrel in the world is bigger than most apartments.
Naoshima, Japan

Bennesse Art Site Naoshima

A Japanese corporation has turned this small island town into living modern art gallery.
Athens, Greece

Pittaki Street

150 or so scrounged-up lamps, chandeliers, and lanterns light up this alley in central Athens.
Heraklion, Greece

Phaistos Disc

This famous archeological mystery may be an ancient example of movable type.
Athens, Greece

Magic Sphere of Helios

This mystical orb covered in strange symbols is thought to have been used in ancient Greek magical rituals.
Heraklion, Greece


A minotaur, a labyrinth, and a dubious restoration pull in visitors from around the world.
San Francisco, California

Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption

The neighborhood church casts a breast-shaped shadow that locals have come to call the “two o’clock titty.”
San Francisco, California

Palace of Fine Arts

The last remaining relic of San Francisco's glittering 1915 Panama Pacific Exposition.
San Francisco, California

Labyrinth at Land’s End

A winding path built in secret on the edge of the continent.
San Francisco, California

The Wave Organ

A huge musical instrument played by the ocean.
Boston, Massachusetts

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (The Gardner)

Two thousand artifacts from around the world collected by one woman who loved to travel.
Montreal, Québec

Oratoire St. Joseph

City law dictates that this mountaintop cathedral containing the heart of a saint is to remain the tallest building in town.
Montreal, Québec

Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel (The Sailors' Church)

Small ship votives hang from the vaulted ceiling of this port-side church with a Latin inscription on the wall.
Montreal, Québec

Redpath Museum

One of Canada's oldest museums, the beautiful Redpath has been serving up Natural History and Ethnography since 1882.
Montreal, Québec

Biosphere of Montreal

Designed by Buckminster Fuller, this relic of the 67 Expo survived fire and ice.
Nara, Japan

Buddha's Nostril

Devoted Buddhists can earn enlightenment in the next life by crawling through this symbolic nostril.
Hatsukaichi, Japan

Itsukushima Shrine

This Japanese national treasure was originally built in 593.
Hatsukaichi, Japan

World's Largest Rice Scoop

This enormous "shamoji" means more to the people of Miyajima than just a way getting rice onto a plate.
Kyoto, Japan

Yasui Kompira-gu Shrine

Crawl through the hole in the middle of this stone to break off a bad relationship or initiate a good one.
Kyoto, Japan

Kiyomizu-Dera Temple

A shrine contains nearly 200 statues of the Buddhist deity Jizo, dressed in bibs by parents who have lost a child.
Kyoto, Japan


1,001 carved statues of the Buddhist God of Mercy, each with a unique face.
Kyoto, Japan

Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine

The 10,000 Torii shrine.
Kyoto, Japan

Sagano Bamboo Forest

The sound of swaying stalks in this stunning grove has been named a governmentally recognized sound.